A Sculpture in Time and Motion
This installation was created as my final major project for my art foundation course in 2019. Comprised of around 60 individual embroidered textile pieces, the installation was free hanging, anchored only by spools of thread cascading from the fabrics. Having grown up an avid dancer the piece was inspired by the movement of the human body, borrowing lyrics from “Moving” by Kate Bush and “Movement” by Hozier to add further depth to the embroidered illustrations. Hanging as they were the textile works subtly swayed with the breeze of passers-by, mimicking the movement depicted in the artworks.
Working from an open rehearsal hosted by National Dance Company Wales I was able to sketch, photograph and video professional dancers in practice as the foundation of this piece. While the work functions as a whole, there is also a great level of detail in individual components of the installation – some of which I later developed further into individual textile pieces.